Kroos talks about his experience with the coronavirus

Toni Kroos, Kroos talks about his experience with the coronavirus

Toni Kroos revealed what his current experience with the coronavirus, which he contracted recently. For this he has decided to express himself through the podcast “Einfach mal luppen“, which he runs with his brother Felix.

Incomparable weakness

As an elite player, Toni Kroos knows well what it is like to be exhausted. However, he confessed that his current state of weakness does not compare with any previous experience.

The feeling, he said, he would not recommend to anyone. He described it as very unpleasant. He also pointed out that the discomfort is constant, so that he tends to be discouraged all the time.

The drop in fever

The first symptom Toni Kroos experienced was fever. Although at the time it was quite strong, he assured that it has gone down. Perhaps not as much as he himself would like, but enough to reduce the risk.

Others infected at home

According to Kroos, he was not the only one infected at home. Apparently, one of his employees also contracted the coronavirus. This regardless of all the preventive measures they have taken at home.

And he was not the only one. Kroos’ own wife tested positive. This fact, interestingly enough, had been foreseen by the footballer. In view of her constant cleanliness, it seemed likely that she would be the first to be infected.

Presence at the European Championship

Despite the circumstances, Toni Kroos said he was convinced that he would take part in the European Championship. This went a long way towards alleviating the general concern of the fans. Of course, he will first have to meet certain deadlines set for such cases. It is also difficult to determine how long he will continue his recovery. Fortunately, the player is determined to endure everything. Whether it is two, three or more days, he will heal and make it to the competition.

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