Cryptocasinos vs. online casinos

cryptocasinos, Cryptocasinos vs. online casinos

With the evolution of the digital era, traditional casinos that offer an atmosphere of gambling and entertainment have migrated to offer the same service. Just a click away from your home computer: get to know all about cryptocasinos and online casinos. But are they all the same?

If you are one of those people who prefer to stay at home and play online. Rather than going to land-based casinos. There is a varied offer for a fun and gambling time. Cryptocasinos that you access from your home computer offer traditional games such as poker, slots, bingo and many more.

Now, with the entry of cryptocurrencies into the international financial markets, the casino options have also expanded.

Since 2014, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the gaming market has risen by at least 4.1%. It is estimated to be worth approximately $449.3 billion in 2018. Therefore, experts expect that in the future, there will be a growth rate of at least 5.9%, reaching 565.4 billion dollars by 2022.

Also, according to the online statistics portal Statista, the gambling market in cryptocasinos and online casinos is expected to double. It is expected to have a capital of at least 94 billion dollars by 2024. These figures indicate that people continue to use casinos as places for investment and recreation. Whether to win or to lose, proving that whether physical or online.

So where are the differences with cryptocasinos?

Since more recent years, a new way of doing financial transactions has arrived on the gambling market. For customer investment, as well as for the payment of prizes won in casinos. And it is the use of blockchain technology, which is one of the most secure and globally recognised cryptocurrency financial platforms.

However, casinos that use blockchain do so not only for the transaction of payments to the player. Rather, their entire gaming architecture is designed under payments programmed into the platforms. Thus, users who play in these crypto-casinos can monitor in detail all the operations they carry out.

The offer shown by these cryptocasinos, rather than representing a rivalry with the already known online casino. It presents a new evolution of what the online casino is. By being able to use blockchain, the security of the user is much more shielded. So it allows for unlimited gambling fun, and a reduction in cyber-scams.

However, this is a new and interesting way to join virtual roulette. So far in the market it has not displaced previous ways of playing online casino games. What it does allow, however, is a much wider range of payment methods that can be used by customers of regular online casinos and cryptocasinos.